BIG IDEA: God handles evil like surgeons treat diseases.
The evidence proves that our super patient Creator has been pruning evil from His beloved creation like a doctor or an arborist--always aiming to keep the whole from dying.
Most scholars think the seals, trumpets, and bowls are the same history viewed from 3 camera angles with John providing play-by-play commentary.
Today’s lesson only covers Trumpets 1-4 where we find 4 main characters: Angel messengers with
trumpets–instruments God used to warn people what’s coming (see quotes section). The setting is a bit
freaky, but instead of being afraid we can read this (or any) passage with a gospel (or good news) filter:
1) “Who released these judgments, and who is the boss of angels?” Jesus!
2) “Who was not harmed by the 7 seal judgments?” Those sealed by God!
3) “Who prayed for this stuff to happen?” Christians under the altar!
See how that works? Faith gives believers another camera angle that unbelievers can’t yet see!
John began this section with silence in heaven, which seems like a way to cleanse our mental palate, so we read with fresh eyes. I mean, anyone can see the bad here, but faith gives believers eyes to see God’s activity!